Goodbye Old Friend

I know this is a style blog, but this post is being written – for me, please bare with me as I feel like this chapter needs to be told to honor my dear old friend. So here I go…..

Ad-man and I met in the winter of 2001, that was a rough year for everyone, 9/11 happened after all. It was also a tough year of Ad-man and his young golden retriever Bailey. They had seen many changes in their lives and were just finding their equilibrium, two guys making a new life for themselves. Then I happened onto the scene and Ad-man and I fell in love. Bailey was part of the package, and he and I slowly came to love each other too, but that road was a tough one for both of us. He, a young rambunctious puppy and me a lover of small more frilly dogs.

Ad-man and Bailey took a road trip across the country together from New Hampshire to California and back again. He likes to tell people that Bailey peed in 32 states, and swam in the Atlantic, the Pacific and the Gulf of Mexico. Pretty impressive, no?!

Bailey lovingly accepted my two little Shih Tzu’s and then welcomed a new family member, Meiko, after his old friends were lost to old age.

He certainly took everything in stride, well except for fireworks and thunderstorms and then he could be found hiding in the shower in the basement. Ad-man thinks he may have lived in Kansas in a previous life.

We all enjoyed 9 years of walks, and treats, romps in the snow and summer afternoons playing in the pool. But all good things have their ending and in April the vet found a Mast Cell tumor on Mr. Bailey’s foot, we made the best of his last summer with extra walks and snacks and love in every way we could muster. One morning in July we awoke to a very sick old boy; Ad-man cancelled a business trip and we both hoped that he would rally. That rally never came he was simply too tired and ready to go.

It’s hard to get that timing right, when to let go? You don’t want to deprive them of time they have left, yet you also don’t want a moment of unnecessary suffering. I’m so very proud of Ad-man, for I truly believe that his timing with his best friend could not have been better. He was strong and brave for his buddy every step of the way. Ad-man’s face was the last thing Bailey saw, along with us both telling him what a very special boy he was. That’s how you repay unconditional love!

His name was inspired by George Bailey from It’s a Wonderful Life, and wonderful it was for him and all of us that had the privilege of sharing our lives with him.

Godspeed sweet boy. Godspeed.

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16 Responses to Goodbye Old Friend

  1. Paula says:

    We lost our dog of 12.5 years last june–so I know how you feel! Tough to see them go–they are part of the family–but we feel blessed that we had those great years.
    Love the pics of him with you~
    We are back and forth with getting a new dog…..

    • We’re shopping for one now. Just not the same without a big happy dog around the house. The little one is also lost without his buddy.

      I’m so sorry about the loss of your friend, they sure do worm their way into our hearts.

  2. B.Inspired says:

    I am so sorry to hear about the loss of this gorgeous dog. We were never allowed to have pets, Chinese people don’t even wear shoes in the house so I can only imagine what it is like to lose a loved one. On a similar note, disqus has been eliminated and nixed from Bravoe! I have implemented the blogger commenting system so now we can stay in touch 😀

    • I’m a bit of a neat-freak, so I get that. I’d opt for no shoes if I was the boss of the place, but Ad-man will have none of that 🙂 Its funny how we all have such different ideas about such things.

  3. Shybiker says:

    What a beautiful dog. What a lovely tribute. As someone who’s also loved and lost a canine companion, I feel your pain and love and grief. Thank you for sharing this important part of your lives.

  4. I seriously feel like I could cry. Something similar happened last year to me and my cat, Frisky (aka Frisko Butt. Or just Butt.) She was my best friend for 16 years, and she finally passed away. We had to take her to the vet to be put down because she just would not stop fighting, and it was obviously uncomfortable for her. I couldn’t go with my dad and Mr. A to take her because I was too much of a wreck. 😦 It still hurts.
    I am so, so, so sorry for your loss.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

    • So basically you and Frisky Butt grew up together, that must have been a HUGH loss for you. I’m so very sorry. The pain does get better, but it never really ever goes away.

      xoxo Doreen

  5. Natalie says:

    I read this post and bawled like a baby over the loss of this beautiful friend of yours. (I actually had to come back later to comment…) What a beautiful story and the photos of Bailey are too sweet. Thank you for sharing them with us.

  6. What sad news. I saw the title of the post in my inbox (I subscribe to your blog by email) and I didn’t want to click the link because I knew what it meant.

    A beautiful tribute, Doreen. What a gorgeous dog. I especially love the family photo.

    Sincere condolences,

  7. Kari. says:

    This post brought tears to my eyes Doreen. So sad for all of you. I’m sorry, and my thoughts are with you. I Iost my 19 year old kitty last summer (the heat was just too much for her). Cats are not the same as dogs, but this one … she would curl up right next to me on the table when I would work on the computer. And she would gradually get closer and closer until she would be laying on the keyboard. For a long time, I would still hear her jump.

  8. Lisa says:

    Tears fell as I read this. I felt your beautiful tribute in my heart. Four leggers are a beautiful constant in our lives. They never judge, always love and complete our hearts and homes.
    Love you both ❤ hugs ❤

  9. UN-stitched says:

    I lost both my goldens to tumors too, Doreen. Not sure why its so prevalent in their breed. I know how you feel, sweetie. It’s hard! I still miss Ruby after 2 years. But you’re right, you feel like they are little gifts and it’s amazing to be able to spend time with them. Hope you are doing OK! Hugs!
    xoxo Christine

  10. Hope says:

    Very nice honey !!! Good luck tomorrow

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